The Nitty Gritty on Pricing
When it comes to all things financial, we like to keep it simple. There is no magic formula for what we charge or how much per square feet our cleaning will cost. Our cleaning is valued at $42.00 per hour for one cleaner. When we do estimates, we try to estimate what we think it will take us to clean your house on a regular basis or for the one event.
For a One Time clean and for all First Time cleans, we charge by the hour, rounded off to the nearest quarter hour. Our team is trained to be efficient and we will do our best to cover all the details in a time frame that suits your budget. If you have high expectations then it helps if your budget is more generous :-).
Factors we consider when pricing:
How big is the space?
Is it one or two stories? Or three? If it's four then we will just move in to make things easier.
Do we have to check in with a concierge?
How difficult or easy is the parking?
How many people live here?
How many walk and talk and how many crawl and wear diapers?
Are there pets living here? Are they scaly pets or furry? A snake is fine but three rambunctious Labs make for way more work.
Cat litter takes longer to clean up. I have a theory that it has a life of it's own and purposely sets out to make our lives more difficult.
Pets that are not housebroken take even longer than cat litter.
Does anyone in the house smoke?
Are there people with allergies where extra attention to pet hair and dander is an issue?
Will anyone be home during the clean? If we have to work around sleeping babies or conference calls it can take longer to clean a home.
Do you have many fine and expensive valuables that we must handle with extreme care? Dusting and wiping those will take much longer.
What level of cleanliness are you hoping to achieve? Museum quality? Standard? Or just "make it look nicer."
After we have cleaned a few times we might re-visit the price to ensure you are getting the level of clean you want and that the cleaning team has enough time to do the job with the results you expect.
For a One Time clean and for all First Time cleans, we charge by the hour, rounded off to the nearest quarter hour. Our team is trained to be efficient and we will do our best to cover all the details in a time frame that suits your budget. If you have high expectations then it helps if your budget is more generous :-).
Factors we consider when pricing:
How big is the space?
Is it one or two stories? Or three? If it's four then we will just move in to make things easier.
Do we have to check in with a concierge?
How difficult or easy is the parking?
How many people live here?
How many walk and talk and how many crawl and wear diapers?
Are there pets living here? Are they scaly pets or furry? A snake is fine but three rambunctious Labs make for way more work.
Cat litter takes longer to clean up. I have a theory that it has a life of it's own and purposely sets out to make our lives more difficult.
Pets that are not housebroken take even longer than cat litter.
Does anyone in the house smoke?
Are there people with allergies where extra attention to pet hair and dander is an issue?
Will anyone be home during the clean? If we have to work around sleeping babies or conference calls it can take longer to clean a home.
Do you have many fine and expensive valuables that we must handle with extreme care? Dusting and wiping those will take much longer.
What level of cleanliness are you hoping to achieve? Museum quality? Standard? Or just "make it look nicer."
After we have cleaned a few times we might re-visit the price to ensure you are getting the level of clean you want and that the cleaning team has enough time to do the job with the results you expect.
Service Area
Urban Core
Arlington St. Nicholas |
Historic Springfield
San Marco Lakeshore |
Westside Mandarin |
Riverside Murray Hill |